In i.PEICC, within the “Tiers Lieu Culturel”, we implement activities of artistic practices and cultural mediation, in which 30 speakers are involved (art teachers, cultural mediators, artists, trainers…).

Our actions target adult audiences that are mostly excluded from cultural facilities. Their social status, the ethnic and cultural diversity characterizing them, are often discriminatory economically and culturally speaking.

We pointed the lack of analyze of our practices concerning the methodologies we use in our artistic and cultural actions. Trainers are often compartmentalized in their approaches and work individually.

Our main objectives in this project are:

– To increase the competencies and expertise of our employees;

– To stimulate a collective approach;

– To put the intercultural dimension in the middle of our pedagogical approaches;

– To add a European dimension to our work.

Objectives will be achieved through different activities that will involve 30 workers and take place in the Werkstattschule Heidelberg:

– 3 periods of job shadowing of 2 days

– 3 periods of trainings of 8 days

Different sequences are planned for each training course:

– Time to allow participants to meet each other;

– Time to define the objectives of each one;

– Theoretical contributions, through innovative methodologies adapted to the participants;

– Exchange of good practices, project methodology, tools for the valorization of the project;

– Artistic expressions and practices;

– Evaluation and perspectives.

Impact expected on our organization:

– Improvement of the qualification of the employees, professional artistic trainers and volunteers;

– Implementation of new trainings and projects more adapted to the needs of our audience and to the needs of the society;

– Development of teamwork;

– Valorization of our expertise in terms of mobility for adults;

– Reinforcement of the European dimension of our organization and promotion of new mobility projects for adults;

– Better visibility in our communication;

– Analyze and transfer of training outcomes;

– Increase of the number of people usually away from cultural facilities in our activities and trainings.