The project “Explore Diversity” allows 17 young French people to take part in European Volutary Service’s missions. 13 of them will be involved in short-term projects and 4 of them in long-term projects.
7 different organizations, active in the field of education, training and youth, will host the volunteers : the organizations Mundus and Fundacio Voluntaria Catalunya in Spain, the organization Peniche in Portugal, the organizations Orfeas and KANE in Greece, The Active Bulgarian Society in Bulgaria and the organization Link in Italy.
In the context of OpportuNEETies, Amélie Miroux, one of the long term EVS volunteers from the French organization i-PEICC Peuple et Culture, the coordinator of the project, went to Barcelona (Spain) to cooperate with Mundus, one of the partners of OpportuNEETies as a result of the project.
Volunteers will be mainly people with fewer opportunities and in particular youngsters suffering from integration problems due to their immigrant backgrounds, and important economical difficulties.
Volunteers will mainly be involved in activities promoting volunteering and European programs as well as in activities of animation. In accordance with their interests and learning objectives, they will take part into various activities offered by their hosting organizations : workshops, communication work, events organization, young public information, artistic, sportive and cultural activities…
The main objectives of our project are :
– allow participant to get new skills ;
– promote Erasmus+ program, interculturality and European values ;
– promote active citizenship ;
– encourage the access to European mobility to youngsters with fewer opportunities ;
– improve competencies, attractiveness and international dimension of participant organizations.
The method used will mainly be non formal education methods. We want volunteers to really become actors of their projects, to take initiatives and to show creativity.
The impact is first expected on the participants themselves. The project should allow them to be more open-minded, to acquire new competencies, autonomy and self confidence, in order to better enter the labour market or to integrate a training when they will return. We also expect a wide impact on our target group : in France and in the partner countries, volunteers will meet youngsters who will develop a wish to discover the Erasmus+ program and to involve themselves in a mobility project. Finally, thanks to the dissemination of the project, we want to sensitize local institutions and organizations to the benefits of European projects and to the recognition of non formal education.
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