The first transnational meeting of the copiloting group for Opportuneeties took place in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona, Spain) from 11th to 13th of October 2016 and involved all the international organizations of this project:
WERKstattSCHULE / YOUNET / MUNDUS / I-PEICC Peuple et Culture (coordinator). In total,  there were 11 participants coming from Germany, Italy, Spain and France.
The partners from the Strategic Partnership met for the first time, to kick off the project and its activities. This have been the time to get to know each others, and to let each partner introduce itself and its context (based on a common diagnosis frame). This was also the time for the coordinator to gurantee the collective appropriation of the project, to lively share about its goals and to approve the provisional calendar.
Then, the partners worked on their internal organisation, to agree on each one role and responsability, and about the big lines of copiloting and financial process.
Finally, they shared about their pedagogical contents in order to design the actions they will implement: thematic seminar-trainings and collaborative platform.
Beside the meeting times, Mundus introduced Santa Coloma context and identity to the partners: they had the opportunity to visit and participate in a catalan tradition, the Casteller, wich allowed them to understand better the area of work and context of the Spanish organisation.
“This have been very inspiring to see how much our 4 organisations have complementary compentencies and a deep will to share their experiences in order to join our mail goal: lead the youth professionals of our territories to develop significantly the individual mobility opportunities for NEET by implementing at least ten new hostings by territory within the 2 years of the Strategic Partnership”, said the coordinator of the project from France.